By Phone: (201) 287-1959If you try to "add to cart" on our site, you will get a message saying we are not accepting payments. We don't have any carts! That's by design. Shopping on line for a toaster oven is pretty cool, but for actually buying a vintage instrument, it's a must that we actually speak to each other so we can give you an accurate, in depth description of the way the instrument looks, plays, feels, and sounds. The straightness of the neck, the fret wear, the repairs that it might have had etc
Next, pay with your credit card number (over the phone or fax please), or send a personal or bank check.
Payment is by Check, Postal Money Order, VISA, MC, DISCOVER or Bank Wire. Please email or call us for instructions on wiring funds directly to our bank.
Payment is by Check, Postal Money Order, VISA, MC, DISCOVER or Bank Wire. Please email or call us for instructions on wiring funds directly to our bank.
NO sales tax on out of state orders, but 7% NJ state sales tax applies within NJ
A 25% Deposit will hold an instrument for 30 days
(no approval or refunds on new instruments, layaways, or special orders). Lark Street Music has been in the mail order business for 42 years ***TRADES & CONSIGNMENTS ARE ALWAYS CONSIDERED ***